Cyber Essentials Plus vulnerability scan requirements

Any organisation wishing to achieve Cyber Essentials Plus certification must undergo internal and external vulnerability scans as part of their application.

What’s a vulnerability scan?

A vulnerability scan is a scan performed against your internal or external networks to identify devices on those networks, and the operating systems and software they are running; this information is then compared to a catalogue of known vulnerabilities to determine whether any of the discovered software and operating systems is vulnerable to hackers. The results of a vulnerability scan are usually provided in the form of a report, breaking down vulnerabilities per host.

Generally a vulnerability scan report will include the following for each vulnerability found:

  • Severity – generally rated from 0–5 with the ratings translating to “Informational”, “Low”, “Medium”
  • Threat – why the device has been flagged with a vulnerability
  • Impact – the impact if the vulnerability is manipulated by a hacker
  • Solution – a suggested way of resolving or mitigating the vulnerability
  • CVSS v3 Score – The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) version 3 score (a number from 0 to 10). CVSS is a standard used by organisations to capture the characteristics of a vulnerability and score it based on those characteristics. More on this later.

What are the requirements for Cyber Essentials?

For Cyber Essentials, internal and external scans will be performed using an approved vulnerability scanning tool.

External scan

External scan(s) are run against any externally facing (or internet facing) devices which have access to the corporate network or customer data.

If you choose to apply for Cyber Essentials through us, we’ll use a cloud-based scanner to scan your external network. The devices scanned may include your organisation’s website, office firewall and any other internet facing hosts, services or network devices.

In order to qualify for certification, all external hosts scanned must:

  • Contain no vulnerabilities with a CVSS v3 score greater than or equal to 7
  • Authenticate users or restrict access if non-public and/or non-read-only information is made available
  • Prevent users from easily bypassing authentication (the use of multi-factor authentication can help here)
  • Throttle login attempts or lock users out after (at most) 10 failed login attempts

You can view a flow diagram of the pass/fail decision making process on page 6 of the NCSC’s Cyber Essentials Plus Illustrative Test Specification.

Internal scan

Internal scan(s) are performed against a sample of the organisation’s devices (for smaller organisations, all devices may be included) which will be determined by the assessor based on device types and builds.

The internal scan is performed using credentials, so the scanner can see exactly what’s running on the internal devices, generally gathering a lot more information than an external scan.

For each vulnerability discovered during the internal scan, the assessor will review whether it meets the following CVSS v3 parameters:

  • attack vector: network only
  • attack complexity: low only
  • privileges required: none only
  • user interaction: none only
  • exploit code maturity: functional or high
  • report confidence: confirmed or high

You can read more about CVSS v3 and what these parameters mean here.

If there are any vulnerabilities which meet these parameters, and for which the vendor provided patch has been available for more than 14 days, the test will fail and the vulnerability will need to be addressed before a re-test is performed.

How can I get a vulnerability scan?

A vulnerability scan will be performed by your assessor. If you choose to get assessed for Cyber Essentials Plus through Cyber Toolkit, all of our Cyber Essentials Plus packages include multiple scans as standard, which means if you fail your first, you’ll be able to remediate and take another test.

Additionally, we can provide a regular or one-off vulnerability scanning service. Contact us for more information.

Are there any other requirements for Cyber Essentials Plus?

The internal and external vulnerability scans form a large part of the Cyber Essentials Plus certification, and often require the most remediation to pass; however, other tests are performed.

Here’s a list of the tests performed as part of a Cyber Essentials Plus certification:

  1. External vulnerability scan
  2. Internal vulnerability scan (checking patching)
  3. Checking malware protection on end-user devices
  4. Checking effectiveness of end-user device defences against malware delivered by email
  5. Checking effectiveness of end-user device defences against malware delivered through a website